Publications may be downloaded from TU Dublin Library repository.
Conferences / Journals
O’Connor, J. (2024). The Trouble with Technology. Invited keynote at Changemakers in Sustainability: New Visions of Europe Higher Ed by Empowering Internationalisation and Mobility. QS Higher Ed Summit: Europe on 11–12 July. Barcelona, Spain.
Avatar – Identity with Intent (2024)
O’Connor, J. & Neville, J. (2024). Avatar – Identity with Intent. Mythic Origins: 17th Annual Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Conference on 14–16 March. Second Life.
Are we Daydreaming our way to the Future? (2023)
O’Connor, J. (2023). Are we Daydreaming our way to the Future? Invited keynote at ‘Technologies and Techniques to Support Sustainable Education in the Academic Sphere’ Pedagogy 5.0 – Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Flexibility and Thinking Outside the Box. ELaRA 2nd Annual Conference on 14 December. Sofia, Bulgaria.
Originally presented online at Design & Research, SEGD Riga Chapter on 23 November. [YouTube video] (Retrieved 30 December 2024).
An abridged version was presented at the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) webinar to mark the International Day of Education. From Knowledge to Action: Fostering Sustainability Competences for a Better Tomorrow on 24 January 2024. [YouTube video from 33:04 minutes] (Retrieved 30 December 2024).
Re-Worlding the Virtual: Exploring Art and Archipelagic Education through Virtual Environments (2022)
Loughran, G. & O’Connor, J. (2022). Re-Worlding the Virtual: Exploring Art and Archipelagic Education through Virtual Environments. In N. Fitzpatrick & C. McGarrigle (Eds) Techné Logos and the (Neg)anthropocene: 1st Annual Conference of the European Culture and Technology Laboratory. Dublin: European University of Technology Academic Press pp 121–143. [YouTube video] (Retrieved 30 December 2024).
Three Continents Meet: Metaverse for Higher Education (2022)
O’Connor, J. Gülmez, M. & Berrett, L. (2022). Three Continents Meet: Metaverse for Higher Education. At the 15th Annual Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Conference on 31 March–1 April. Second Life.
Issues around VR for Higher Education (2021)
O’Connor, J. (2021). Issues around VR for Higher Education. ELIA Future Arts: Towards a Virtual University of the Arts – A VR conference hosted by TU Dublin and ELIA on 29–30 June. spatial.io.
Virtual Teaching (2010)
O’Connor, J. (2010). Virtual Teaching. Invited speaker at the 5th Annual Conference of the International Advisory Group to the Shanghai Institute of Visual Art, Fudan University on 4–6 September. Shanghai, China.
Is One Life Enough? Delivering a Module in Second Life (2010)
O’Connor, J. & Igbrude, C. (2010). Is One Life Enough? Delivering a Module in Second Life. At the EdTech 10th Annual Irish Learning Technology Association Conference on 20–21 May. Athlone, Ireland.
Sherkin Island Art Degree Project (2002)
O’Connor, J. (2002). Sherkin Island Art Project. In A. O’Connell (ed) Rural Issues in Higher Education Conference. Cork: Higher Education Equality Unit.
Talks / Presentations / Discussions
Social Digital Divide: Ensuring no on is left behind (2023)
Invited panel member at the Higher Education Leadership stream. EDUtech Europe Conference on 11–12 October. RAI Amsterdam.
Working with your Administration (2022)
Panel member at the Virtual Worlds Education Consortium Expert Talks Series on 28 October. Second Life: VWEC Eduverse Plaza. [YouTube video]. (Retrieved 30 December 2024).
Developing Learning Communities of Practice in the Metaverse (2022)
Speaker at the Virtual Worlds Education Consortium Expert Talks Series on 28 October. Second Life: VWEC Eduverse Plaza. [YouTube video] (Retrieved 30 December 2024).
Education, Access and Second Life (2016)
Invited panel member at Digital Arts and Education in the Anthropocene, A Discussion Platform on 12 November. Uillian: West Cork Arts Centre in association with Digital Week at Ludgate Hub, Skibereen, Cork. [YouTube video] (Retrieved 30 December 2024).
Virtual Ability: Support, Collaboration, Research, Community (2015)
Invited panel member at Crossroads: 8th Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Conference on 17–19 March. Second Life. [YouTube video] (Retrieved 30 December 2024).
Universities in Second Life (2010)
Invited panel member at Cities, Culture and Languages in Virtual Worlds: 8th INST World Conference with UNESCO on 25–28 November. Simultaneously in Vienna and Second Life.
Developing Critical Thinking Skills in the Disciplines (2010)
Chair of Arts and Humanities group in November. Dublin Centre for Academic Development: Dublin.
Finding life hard? Start over! (2010)
Panel chair at Hearth: 11th European League of Institutes of the Arts Biennial Conference in October. ELIA: Nantes.
Blending and Rendering to Online: a live demonstration of a Second Life VLE (2009)
Invited speaker at DIT eLearning Summer School in June. DIT: Dublin.
How Do I Know What You Know: The Value of Recognising Prior Learning (2009)
Invited speaker at Shared Perspectives on Learning in the Workplace in April. Professional Development Services Office at DIT: Dublin.
Postgraduate level professional development in Design (2009)
Invited speaker at The Potential of RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) in a Changing Economic and Employment Landscape: Regional Seminar for the HEA SIF 1 project ‘Education in Employment’ in March. DIT and Dundalk Institute of Technology: Dublin.
One Life or Two? Using Second Life for First Year Inductions (2009)
Invited speaker at the DIT Showcase of Learning & Teaching Innovations in January. DIT: Dublin.
Development of the Partnership between DIT and the Sherkin Island Community (2009)
Invited speaker at the Third Level Education and the Island in April. Comhdháil Oileán na hÉireann (Irish Islands Federation): Sherkin Island, Cork.
Potential of Second Life (2006)
Invited speaker at the Annual LIRHea Conference in December. Trinity College: Dublin.
Perspectives on Drawing (2006)
Chair of symposium at the Irish Museum of Modern Art in January. IMMA: Dublin.
Ethics and Critical Aesthetics: Restating the relevance of the individual – challenging the aesthetics of globalisation (2002)
Panel chair at Comhár: 7th European League of Institutes of the Arts Biennial Conference in October. ELIA: Dublin.
View from Design Education (1999)
Invited keynote at the Design Education Means Business Forum in December. Institute of Designers in Ireland: Dublin.
Basic Multimedia and Telematics Application Skills for Education and Training and Creating Multimedia in the Classroom (1998)
O’Connor, J & Kenny, A. (1998). Basic Multimedia and Telematics Application Skills for Education and Training and Creating Multimedia in the Classroom. (1998). National Distance Education Centre, Dublin City University (Training programmes).
IT Skills: Exploring Information Technology (1994)
Devine, J. Gallagher, M. Young, J. O’Connor, J & Gosling, M. IT Skills: Exploring Information Technology. (1994). National Distance Education Centre, Dublin City University. (Interactive CD-Rom funded under the EC Comett initiative.)
From Zombies to Avatars: The New Frontiers of Virtual Teaching (2024)
O’Connor, J. (2024). From Zombies to Avatars: The New Frontiers of Virtual Teaching. The Avatar Scholar, Fall 2024. Virtual Worlds Education Consortium: Second Life pp 95–96.
Review of Dublin Cinemas (2024)
O’Connor, J. (2024). Review of Dublin Cinemas: A Pictorial Selection by Jim Keenan Published in 2005. Level 3 vol 19 Iss 12: Dublin.
Design and the Celtic Tiger (2019)
O’Connor, J. (2019). Design and the Celtic Tiger. In B. Lucey, E. Maher & E. O’Brien (eds) Recalling the Celtic Tiger. Oxford: Peter Lang pp 95–96.
The Designer who Started a Print Revolution. Remembering Steve Jobs (2011)
O’Connor, J. (2011). The Designer who Started a Print Revolution. Remembering Steve Jobs. Irish Printer vol 43, no 5: Dublin pp 22–23.
Arthouse, Our House
O’Connor, J. (1996). Arthouse, Our House. Film Ireland Iss 50: Dublin pp 21–23.
Ground Breaker: The story-films of Kieran Hickey
O'Connor, J. (1993). Ground Breaker: The story-films of Kieran Hickey. Film Ireland Iss 37: Dublin pp 20–23.
Review of Future Visions: New Technologies of the Screen
O’Connor, J. (1993). Review of Future Visions: New Technologies of the Screen. Film Ireland Iss 36: Dublin pp 29–30.
Design for reading; reading the design
O’Connor, J. (1993) Design for reading; reading the design. Marketing Communicator 1993: Dublin pp 6–7.
Learning Without Frontiers Award 2012
Winner in the Further and Higher Education Innovation category for the module Virtual Environments: Is one life enough?, London. February 2012.
Winner of the Irish Learning Techology Association (ILTA) annual award for the module Virtual Environments: Is one life enough? Ireland. April 2010.